Fidalgo Bay, WA Envriomental Data Aug 28-Sep 16 2020
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Herring larvae RNA QC
I sent 16 larvae (one per replicare tank) to UW’s Functional Genomics Core for a pilot RNA extraction and QC. The extraction was completed by Dr. Sengkeo Srinouanprachanh on 7/2/2020.
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Prepping herring larvae for RNA extractions and QC
I sampled n = 20 newly hatched larvae from each experimental replicate on the day of peak hatch (March 4 for heatwave treatments and March 6 for ambient temp). Larvae from each replicate were preserved together in a 3 ml Eppendorf vial with RNALater and stored at -20C.
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CO2 x Heatwave Experimental Design
Winter 2020: Experimental design for CO2 x heatwave effects in Pacifc herring early life-satges
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Mixing new m-Cresol Purple for spec pH measurements
m-Cresol Purple
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